The Dangers of Rotten Teeth

When faced with bad breath, often people go to over-the-counter therapies such as chewing gum or sucking on mints, and some people usually take digestive supplements. Many overlook the truth that rotten teeth may be the culprit of the bad breath. Decayed teeth can create bad breath, like anything that is rotting, it can give off a foul odor.
Dangers of rotten teeth
There are different signs and dangers of rotten teeth that you may surprise you. Some of these are the following:
Trembling Hands
Rotten teeth can trigger the immune system to deteriorate over time. Because of this, the body can show specific signs of weakness, like trembling hands.
Low energy
Decayed teeth can take energy from the body's reservoir. It is a regular phenomenon to have reduced energy or vigor when the teeth have decay.
One of the explanations could be the lack of confidence that comes with rotten teeth. Not socializing and staying hidden could also add up to losing energy and excitement from life.
Poisoning in the bloodstream
Although not an immediate consequence, dentists strongly advise that letting rotten teeth go unattended can lead to blood poisoning. This happens because the rot from the teeth keeps getting deposited into the mouth, and in most cases, it's swallowed along with saliva.
When this happens for an extended period of time, the toxic element from the teeth gets blended into the digestive system and the blood, poisoning it.
Gum Disease
Not tending to rotten teeth can lead to gum disease in the long term. The teeth may start rotting at the root, but soon the infection will enter the gum area as well. When this happens, there are little chances of rectifying the situation.
Reduction in palate
Another risk of rotten teeth is the losing ability to appreciate a diverse variety of food because it is difficult to eat certain foods with severe pain from infections.
Certain foods may also give a burning sensation, reducing the pleasure of enjoying the food.
Bacteria from an infected tooth can move to the bloodstream and create a medical condition called sepsis. Sepsis is a blood infection that commonly attacks people with low immune systems, such as patients in a hospital and significantly younger or older people.
Symptoms of sepsis include elevated fever and rapid heart rate. Temperatures typically rise, while your heart rate elevates, with respiratory difficulty. Mottling of the skin and mental misperception are also indicators sepsis is progressing. Septic shock may happen if the blood pressure is low.
Tooth abscess could lead to a life-threatening condition called meningitis. This illness is an inflammation of the membranes near the spinal cord and brain. If the bacterial infection is untreated, the virus could move into the bloodstream to the spinal cord and area around the brain. Meningitis could require lengthy hospitalization. Those with weak immune systems are at a higher risk of getting this condition.
Rotten teeth have their dangers
If symptoms of an infected tooth are present, visit a dentist immediately. Don't wait for bacteria to spread to the neck, jaw, brain or blood. Practice excellent oral hygiene to prevent tooth infections
Request an appointment in our Marietta dentist office here:
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